DIY Projects

Weekend Reading 10.22.23 | Centsational Style

It’s raining this weekend here in Northern California which is always a relief when wildfires are a concern. It takes the edge off to have a bit of moisture in the air, and also puts me in the mood to make fall soup and get...

Wine on the Walls | Centsational Style

Whenever I consider a dark tone paint color, my eye always goes straight to the olive green or slate blue families. Rarely do I consider a dark red or deep burgundy as a color to layer on walls, but that’s a personal preference. I will...

The Art of Ikebana | Centsational Style

I’m always intrigued when I see creative artistic expression in forms unfamiliar to me. Last week, I was browsing Pinterest and happened across a series of floral arrangements in the Japanese style of ikebana. Ikebana dates back many centuries in Japan. It is the meditative...

Weekend Reading 10.15.23 | Centsational Style

Wow it was a hard week of processing the news, it’s a heartbreaking situation happening in the middle east. It’s difficult to focus on decorating and blogging when so many people are suffering in that part of the world. What did make me feel good...

Autumn in Amsterdam | Centsational Style

The Dutch are proud of their botanicals, their world famous tulips are not only a major export but bring crowds of visitors to their country to see them in bloom each spring. I decided to visit in the fall instead and arrived by train in...

Weekend Reading 10.8.23 | Centsational Style

Autumn greetings! It definitely feels like fall here in Northern California as the trees are slowly shedding their leaves. I gave myself a few days to recover from my trip to Paris and Amsterdam and now I’m feeling back to normal. I ordered supplies for...

Five Lessons from the Minimalism Game

I read that the average American household has 300,000 items in it. When I decided to take on the thirty day challenge of playing the Minimalism Game during the month of September, I was more than ready to purge my home of unnecessary objects because...

Fall Moto Jackets | Centsational Style

I’ve had this faux leather jacket for five years and it still looks good, so much so I wore it all over Paris and Amsterdam. It was affordable when I bought it and still is! Unlike other faux leather jackets that peel in the seams...

Weekend Reading 10.1.23 | Centsational Style

Greetings friends, and welcome October! This weekend I’m wandering around Netherlands for a few days and I’ll be back in the States later this week. We’re eating a lot of cheese and enjoying local culinary specialties! Amsterdam is an exciting place to explore and the...

Get the Look: Parisian Apartments

I’m in Paris this week staying in a very small but very chic Parisian apartment filled with light and plants in the Latin Quarter. I haven’t been back in seven years so it’s lovely to be here in the fall running around town with my...